Business to Business
Your sample preparation requirements are our focus
At MicrosensDx we believe in the importance of establishing collaborations and partnerships to grow and accelerate innovation. Our team is driven by a passion to pave the way for better patient healthcare management.
Very often focus is understandably on the device, platform, detection methodology and analysis which can sometimes leave limited time to evaluate and improve the sample workflow and quality.
Would it be helpful to discuss you sample management strategy and challenges?
Would you like to position your platform technology into diagnostics and healthcare?
We are actively seeking both technology and collaboration opportunities and partnerships.
Expertise in sample preparation
MicrosensDx applies a deep know-how of pre-analytical sample handing and sample preparation to optimise down-stream molecular testing.
Sample preparation is a critical step (“garbage in, garbage out”) and the 'key' to achieving exceptional performance, consistency and accuracy for diagnostic tests.
The RapiPREP Nucleic acid extraction kit was developed at pace in response to the needs of the market during the pandemic. Ongoing enhancements extend RapiPREP’s utility to include challenging samples, including stool and water. These sample types will form the basis of our forward approach to enhance our infectious disease capability but also enter into the microbiome, wellness and disease surveillance markets.
If your focus is on the device and end result, allow us to help you by ensuring complete sample quality.
A solid foundation is needed for your analytical technique. MicrosensDx will work with you as the device manufacturer to deliver bespoke, customised and fully optimised nucleic acid sample preparation services and products. This means that the conditions for sample integrity are managed early in your development cycle so that you can maximise the sensitivity, resolution and overall performance in results.
Your requirements 'centre' our flexible and made to order methodology. This means that we reduce waste and deliver product to fit your requirements precisely. In terms of capability, quality, training and support: the spotlight is on where results start.
We are based on Cambridge Science Park, the heart of science and innovation and we have complete R&D, manufacturing and storage facilities.
RapiPREP: sample optimised; results improved
Available as an R&D Services Consultancy
Can our products or services complement your core business? contact us our dedicated team would be happy to discuss your requirements.